BioAcids Tech Brasil was founded in 2020 by five major partners with complementary skills, which gives the company an enormous competitive advantage, combining experience in the areas of science and technology, product and process development, sales and marketing strategies.
Graduated in chemical engineering from Universidade Oswaldo Cruz and PMI from FIA Business School, with over 25 years of experience in the chemical industry in the areas of marketing and sales of chemical products. Head of the Sales and Marketing sector.
Graduated in Agronomy from ESALQ/USP, with over 40 years of experience in fertilizers and logistics, having worked at Galvani, and as a director at Extrafértil, a company in the field of fertilizers and agricultural products. At BioAcids Tech. Head of the Operations sector.
Graduated and Master in Chemical Engineering from UNICAMP, with an MBA in Business Management from FGV with 11 years of experience in industrial management, PMP, PMO and Project Manager and Continuous Improvement. Director of BioAcids Tech.
Graduated in chemistry from UNESP and post-doctoral in Chemistry from UNICAMP, he has a solid performance in research and development of new methods and products and biotechnological processes with 8 patents in the area and 25 years of experience in the biochemical industry. Manager of the Research and Development sector.
Graduated in Economics at Catholic University in Campinas. Diretor at Ciesp, director at SESI/SENAI, energy director ar FIESP, infrastructure director at FIESP. CEO of the RTB Holding
Graduation and Master in Chemical Engineering, by IME. He worked, at Fábrica Presidente Vargas, in Piquete / IMBEL-Indústria de Armas de Material do Brasil, where he headed the Dual Base Powder Manufacturing Group. He was Professor at IME, Chair of Explosives, Head of Controlled Products Inspection Service. Head of the Industrial sector